- header: true columns: [band, frequency, mode, bandwidth, description] titles: { band: Band, frequency: Frequency / kHz, mode: Mode, bandwidth: Bandwidth / Hz, description: Description } frequency_unit: kHz frequency_fraction_digits: 0 comments: - Source Base: 'https://www.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/hf_r1_bandplan.pdf' - Source Base Date: "2021-06-09" - band: 2.2 km mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 135.7-137.8 description: CW, QRSS and narrow band digital modes - band: 630 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 472-475 description: CW - band: 630 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 frequency: 475-479 description: CW, Digimodes, Bandwidth of 500 Hz suggested - band: 160 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 1810-1838 - band: 160 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 1836 - band: 160 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 frequency: 1838-1840 - band: 160 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes frequency: 1840-1843 - band: 160 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 1843-2000 - band: 80 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: Priority for inter-continental operation frequency: 3500-3510 - band: 80 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW contest preferred frequency: 3510-3560 - band: 80 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW QRS Centre of Activity frequency: 3555 - band: 80 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 3560-3570 - band: 80 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 3560 - band: 80 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 200 description: Digimodes frequency: 3570-3580 - band: 80 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 3580-3590 - band: 80 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 3590-3600 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 3600-3620 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB contest preferred (TODO 3620?) frequency: 3620-3650 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digital Voice Centre of Activity frequency: 3630 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 3650-3700 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 3690 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB contest preferred frequency: 3700-3775 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Image Centre of Activity frequency: 3735 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: R1 Emergency Centre of Activity frequency: 3760 - band: 80 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB contest preferred - Priority for inter-continental operation frequency: 3775-3800 - band: 60 m mode: CW, Narrow band modes bandwidth: 200 description: CW, Narrow band modes frequency: 5351.5-5354.0 - band: 60 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: USB recommended for voice operation frequency: 5354-5366 - band: 60 m bandwidth: 20 description: Weak signal narrow band modes frequency: 5366.0-5366.5 - band: 40 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 7000-7040 - band: 40 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW, QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 7030 - band: 40 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 7040-7047 - band: 40 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 7047-7050 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 7050-7053 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes frequency: 7053-7060 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB contest preferred frequency: 7060-7100 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digital Voice Centre of Activity frequency: 7070 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 7090 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: R1 Emergency Centre of Activity frequency: 7110 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 7100-7130 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB contest preferred frequency: 7130-7175 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Image Centre of Activity frequency: 7165 - band: 40 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB contest preferred - Priority for inter-continental Activity frequency: 7175-7200 - band: 30 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 10100-10130 - band: 30 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 10116 - band: 30 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 10130-10150 - band: 20 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW contest preferred frequency: 14000-14060 - band: 20 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: QRS Centre of Activity frequency: 14055 - band: 20 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 14060-14070 - band: 20 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 14060 - band: 20 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 14070-14089 - band: 20 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 14089-14099 - band: 20 m mode: International Beacon Project description: Beacons exclusively frequency: 14099-14101 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 14101-14112 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 14112-14125 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB contest preferred frequency: 14125-14300 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digital Voice Centre of Activity frequency: 14130 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Priority for DX-peditions frequency: 14190-14200 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Image Centre of Activity frequency: 14230 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 14285 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 14300-14350 - band: 20 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Global Emergency Centre of Activity frequency: 14300 - band: 17 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 18068-18095 - band: 17 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 18086 - band: 17 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 18095-18105 - band: 17 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 18105-18109 - band: 17 m mode: International Beacon Project description: Beacons exclusively frequency: 18109-18111 - band: 17 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 18111-18120 - band: 17 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 18120-18168 - band: 17 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 18130 - band: 17 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digital Voice Centre of Activity frequency: 18150 - band: 17 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Emergency Centre of Activity frequency: 18160 - band: 15 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: QRS Centre of Activity frequency: 21055 - band: 15 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 21060 - band: 15 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 21000-21070 - band: 15 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 21070-21090 - band: 15 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 21090-21110 - band: 15 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended), (not SSB) frequency: 21110-21120 - band: 15 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Narrow band modes frequency: 21120-21149 - band: 15 m mode: International Beacon Project description: Beacons exclusively frequency: 21149-21151 - band: 15 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digital Voice Centre of Activity frequency: 21180 - band: 15 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 21285 - band: 15 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Image Centre of Activity frequency: 21340 - band: 15 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Global Emergency Centre of Activity frequency: 21360 - band: 15 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 21151-21450 - band: 12 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: CW QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 24906 - band: 12 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 24890-24915 - band: 12 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 24915-24925 - band: 12 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 24925-24929 - band: 12 m mode: International Beacon Project description: Beacons exclusively frequency: 24929-24931 - band: 12 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 24931-24940 - band: 12 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: SSB QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 24950 - band: 12 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digital Voice Centre of Activity frequency: 24960 - band: 12 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 24940-24990 - band: 10 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: QRS Centre of Activity frequency: 28055 - band: 10 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 description: QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 28060 - band: 10 m mode: CW bandwidth: 200 frequency: 28000-28070 - band: 10 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes frequency: 28070-28120 - band: 10 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 28120-28150 - band: 10 m mode: Narrow band modes bandwidth: 500 frequency: 28150-28190 - band: 10 m mode: International Beacon Project description: Regional time shared beacons, exclusively frequency: 28190-28199 - band: 10 m mode: International Beacon Project description: Worldwide time shared beacons, exclusively frequency: 28199-28201 - band: 10 m mode: International Beacon Project description: Continuous duty beacons, exclusively frequency: 28201-28225 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Beacons frequency: 28225-28300 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 28300-28320 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Digital Voice Centre of Activity frequency: 28330 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: QRP Centre of Activity frequency: 28360 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 description: Image Centre of Activity frequency: 28680 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 2700 frequency: 28320-29000 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: (unrestricted) frequency: 29000-29100 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: (unrestricted) description: FM simplex - 10 kHz channels frequency: 29100-29200 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: (unrestricted) description: Digimodes, automatically controlled data stations (unattended) frequency: 29200-29300 - band: 10 m mode: Satellite Links bandwidth: (unrestricted) frequency: 29300-29510 - band: 10 m mode: Guard Channel frequency: 29510-29520 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 6000 description: FM Repeater input (RH1-RH8) frequency: 29520-29590 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 6000 description: FM Calling channel frequency: 29600 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 6000 description: FM Simplex Repeater (parrot, input + output) frequency: 29610 - band: 10 m mode: All modes bandwidth: 6000 description: FM Repeater output (RH1-RH8) frequency: 29620-29700