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% SPDX-License-Identifier: Beerware
% Wolfgang DM5WK Kroener wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
% can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
% this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
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% needed because pgf also loads xcolor with different options
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% configure settings here
% configure paperformat here
% configure height of lines
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% configure number of table blocks on each page
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% margins of paper defined above
\usepackage[\paper, hmargin=0.7cm, vmargin=0.9cm]{geometry}
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% layout of pages (with pgfmorepages)
% valid settings e. g. 2 on 1, 4 on 1, 6 on 1, 8 on 1, 16 on 1
\pgfpagesuselayout{2 on 1}[\paper, landscape]
% how many pages (duplex printing with \pgflayout 2 on 1 can fit 4 pages
% but maybe more numerated pages are needed
% you may run out of memory for latex, maybe try lualatex
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% define callsign here or with filename
% e. g. \def\callsign{AB1CD}
% if you define it here, callsign will not be taken from filename
% is this for trainee logging?
% set \trainee to trainee for trainee callsign
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% or to stroketrainee to get \callsign/T
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% if you define it here, trainee will not be taken from filename
% normally no configuration below this line
% strip dimension of length and convert to mm
%split \jobname, extract after first dot callsign, after second dot: trainee
% e. g. for logsheet.AB0CD.trainee.tex extract \callsign as AB0CD and \trainee as trainee
% e. g. for logsheet.AB0CD.tex extract \callsign as AB0CD and \trainee is empty
% put \callsign in watermark and add +OP in heading if \trainee equals trainee
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% default is false
% add /t to callsign if filename is logsheet.CALLSIGN.stroketrainee.tex
% set istrainee to true if applicable
% strange things with detokenize needed with latex
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% default scale if there is no callsign (\wmfontscale\paperwidth)
% calculations for callsign as watermark if there is one
% calculate factor for fontsize for diagonal watermark
% (sqrt(w^2+h^2))/(w * factor * callsignlen)
% factor is for callsign going more or less over the whole diagonal
\FPeval\wmfontscale{root(2,pow(2,h)+pow(2,w))/(w * 0.65 * callsignlen)}
% calculate angle for diagonal text
\FPeval\diagonalAngle{arctan(h/w) * 180/FPpi}
% pagenumber as watermark
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\tikzset{every picture/.style={gray, opacity=0.1}}
% first pagenumber
\node at ($(current page.north west)!.5!(current page.center)$)
% then callsign if there is one
\node at (current page.center)
[rotate=\diagonalAngle, font=\fontsize{\wmfontscale\paperwidth}{\wmfontscale\paperwidth}]
%\draw[red,step=1mm] (0,0) grid (40,40);
% calculate, how many lines fit on the paper
\FPeval\tablelines{trunc((htext/(hlines+hru)), 0)}
\FPeval\tablelinesPlusTwo{round(tablelines + 2, 0)}
\FPeval\tablelinesPlusFour{round(tablelines + 4, 0)}
% add +OP on trainee sheet
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% add content of table, create #2 times #1/#2 rows, #1/#2 including two header rows
\prgNewFunction \makerows{mm} {
\tlClear \lTmpaTl
\intZero \lTmpaInt
\intStepInline {1} {1} {#1} {
\boolSet \lTmpaBool {\intCompare {\intMathMod{##1-1}{#1 / #2}} = {0} && \intCompare{#1-##1} > {2}}
\boolVarIfTF \lTmpaBool {
\intZero \lTmpaInt
% heading
\tlPutRight \lTmpaTl {\SetVline[=]{##1}{0pt} \SetCell[r=1,c=5]{valign=m,c} \begin{tblr}{colsep=0pt,width=\textwidth,rows={\rowheight},colspec={X[l,m]Q[r,m]}}Date: \hspace*{4cm} \locationOp: & Mode: \hspace*{2cm} \end{tblr}&&&&& \SetVline[=]{##1}{0pt}\\}
\intCompareTF {\intMathMod{##1-2}{\intEval{#1 / #2}}} = {0} {
% column descriptions
\tlPutRight \lTmpaTl {Time & Callsign & RST tx & RST rx & Frequency/Name/Location/Notes\\}
\intIncr \lTmpaInt
% add empty rows with counter
\tlPutRight \lTmpaTl {\hphantom{12345678} & \hphantom{AAA0AAA/AAA0AAA} & & & \SetCell[r=1,c=1]{r} \color{LightGray}}
\tlPutRight \lTmpaTl {\intUse \lTmpaInt}
\tlPutRight \lTmpaTl {\\}
\prgReturn {\expValue{\lTmpaTl}}
% two sides (front/back)
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\foreach \i in {1,...,\numpages}
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\message{page \i}
% watermark on every page
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% fix centering
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\addtolength{\leftskip} {-2cm}
colspec={YYYYZ Q[colsep=0pt]}
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