
1.5 KiB


dapnet2ntfy forwards messages from the DAPNET to ntfy.

Similar to other gateways, especially the Telegram Bot DB0USD, it allows receiving messages, when there is no pager with reception at hand.


DAPNET account

A normal account at hampager.de (select 'Help Topic -> New DAPNET Account with RIC').

A transmitter registered at hampager.de (select 'Help Topic -> New DAPNET Transmitter') for this purpose. You can't share the transmitter login with e. g. a hotspot. You can specify, that you use the login for a downstream gateway to ntfy.

ntfy account

Use ntfy.sh or set up your own server: DOCS.

perl modules

  • IO::Socket::INET
  • IO::Socket::Timeout
  • Errno
  • HTTP::Request
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • MIME::Base64
  • utf8

For Debian:

apt install perl-base libio-socket-timeout-perl libhttp-message-perl libwww-perl


Instructions for installing the script to $HOME/bin/ and activating a systemd user service for running the script

mkdir -p $HOME/.config/systemd/user/
cp dapnet2ntfy.service $HOME/.config/systemd/user/
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
install -m 700 dapnet2ntfy.pl $HOME/bin/
# edit the configuration section to your needs
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable dapnet2ntfy.service --now